NYC-ARECS Identification Card Information Page

All Members will safeguard their NYC-ARECS Identification Card. The ID Card should be used as a means of identifying one's self during an emergency operation or during a public service event. The ID card will be available to those team members who are compliant with Department of Homeland Security / FEMA NIMS training which NYC-ARECS is committed to be in compliance with. Utilizing NIMS is the standard of practice for responders of emergencies in the City of New York, the State of New York and around the United States.

Verification: The NYC-ARECS Identification Card is a white hard plastic card with an overlaid hologram. Embedded in the hologram and across the face of the card, is micro-printing with the word "security." The back of the card has contact information and how to reach the team President.

The NYC-ARECS Identification Card was developed with visual elements of the US government FIPS 201 identification system, as the DHS / FEMA asks that ID cards which do not have electronic technology inside them (such as biometrics), at least conform in part to the visual elements of the FIPS 201 (Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 201), a United States federal government standard that specifies Personal Identity Verification (PIV) requirements for Federal employees and contractors.

Critical Importance of Proper Identification

In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, an emergency responder reports to the incident scene, offering his/her expertise to response agencies. While the responders on-scene can use the support as they work to save lives and protect property, incident commanders know they must manage access to the incident scene and have no instantaneous way to verify the identity of individuals offering support. Because of this, the US federal government is currently developing policies for a common identification standard for federal employees and contractors which is laid out in Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 which mandates a federal standard for secure and reliable forms of identification. Further, FEMA is exploring the development of a new universal identification card for volunteers and responders, but this is still years away.

However, the current guideline for verifying Non-Federal personal identity of emergency management and response personnel is based on the Federal Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council's May 2009 guidance, "Personal Identity Verification Interoperability for Non-Federal Issuers." According to the DHS/FEMA National Credentialing Definition And Criteria guide of 2007, for an individual/team to be granted access to an incident site by the proper authorizing agent(s), the following three requirements must be presented:

1. Two forms of photo identification to verify identity, of which at least one of which must be issued by a governmental authority (i.e. see examples below);

2. Proof of qualifications/certification, issued by the proper authority as authorized by the State; and

3. Authorization for deployment (i.e. which includes, but is not limited to, the examples below).

DHS EXAMPLES OF ID AND CREDENTIALS (two from Identity & one from the other columns)

ID - Drivers license or Government issued [Passport]
ID - Immigration Red Cross Card Deployment Orders
ID - Indian Affairs Medical Corps
ID - Company-Employer Company Qualification Card
ID - Military
ID - Law Enforcement
ID - Fire/EMS
ID - Public Works
ID - Hospital

NWCG Redcard
NIMS Qualification Card (TBD)
Red Cross Card
Medical Corps ID Card
Company Qualification Card

Letter of Invitation
EMAC Verification
Deployment Orders

Once this information has been provided and approved/accepted, the individual/team may be issued further credentials for site/incident access privileges by the jurisdiction having authority.

During an emergency activation / deployment, NYC-ARECS Members can fulfill these requirements by having in their possession these FOUR items:

1) State issued drivers license or identification card / passport [Meets the requirement of "Identity"]

2) Their NYC-ARECS Identification Card [Meets the requirement of "Identity & Qualification"]

3) Their government issued Federal Communication Commission license [Meets the requirement of "Qualification"]

4) A printed email "deployment order" or other NYC-ARECS document showing your purpose/mission/assignment/task, etc. (Sample)

Questions regarding the ID Card should be directed via email to the team President.

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